DON'T BUY A #MACPRO - Still Fighting with #AppleSupport for a Working Computer - 3 Years Later...

DON'T BUY A #MACPRO - Still Fighting with #AppleSupport for a Working Computer - 3 Years Later...

DON'T BUY A #MACPRO - Still Fighting with #AppleSupport for a Working Computer - 3 Years Later...

Creating an Installer for All Your #DAW Software?

Creating an Installer for All Your #DAW Software?

Creating an Installer for All Your Daw Software?</a></h4><p>Creating an Installer for All Your Daw Software? There is a long story here about persistent issues of my MacPro Trashcan freezing multiple times a day, most likely from the video card / driver issues... But I'm going to have install all my recording / DAW software….