
Creating an Installer for All Your #DAW Software?

Creating an Installer for All Your #DAW Software?

Creating an Installer for All Your Daw Software?</a></h4><p>Creating an Installer for All Your Daw Software? There is a long story here about persistent issues of my MacPro Trashcan freezing multiple times a day, most likely from the video card / driver issues... But I'm going to have install all my recording / DAW software….

STEIN-BUG "expect issues to have been resolved; then again, there weren't many so"...

"We have just released the Cubase 9.5.30 maintenance update for the Pro, Artist, Elements, AI, and LE editions. It's a maintenance update so one can obviously expect issues to have been resolved; then again, there weren't many so you probably won't even have noticed them in the first place. Alongside the fixes, this update also includes enhancements to Direct Offline Processing and other features. For detailed information, please refer to the corresponding version history on the download page."

Hilarious, this made my day... These lying tool bags, their own regulated forms are 99% issues...

I've wasted so much time and money with Stein-Bug over the last decade+...

Corporate trolls, I expect you to cover this with your Kool-Aid Vomit.